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Rananda voelt een grote compassie voor de situatie waarin mensen zich bevinden en wil niets liever dan het Ontwaken tot louter Liefde dienen in een ieder. Hij toont dat er een weg is uit de duisternis en dat iedereen de kracht in zich heeft om hiervoor te kiezen.

Hij blijft ons herinneren aan de Waarheid. Hij vraagt ons onszelf te bevrijden van het idee dat we slechts een lichaam zijn en dat pijn, lijden en dood onvermijdelijk zijn.

Zijn krachtig onderricht is daarbij een grote hulp. Dit is Rananda's uitnodiging aan jou:

“Oh, hoe lang, mijn broeders, zullen jullie reizen zonder je te herinneren? Wordt de kou van de winternacht niet bitter naar jouw smaak? Trekt de hitte van de zomerzon je niet naar de bron in je binnenste?

Er is een oplossing! Die wacht op je in de zachtheid van je innerlijke verbinding met de Vreemdeling Die je hebt genegeerd, maar Die altijd van je heeft gehouden. Ik moedig je aan om je Hogere Zelf te belichamen of hoe je de Jij die Zijn Bron kent ook wilt noemen....”.

Sinds enige tijd hebben we een website (Engelstalig) gewijd aan het delen van Rananda's onderricht met de wereld: Op deze website vind je een groeiende verzameling video's, audio-opnames, gebeden, transcripties en citaten van Rananda. Ze hebben allemaal als doel je te herinneren Wie Je bent. We hopen echt, en geloven, dat Rananda's lessen jou dezelfde transformatie en geluk zullen brengen die ze ons hebben gebracht!

We moedigen je aan om te bezoeken om toegang te krijgen tot dit onderricht leringen. Een goede manier om er zeker van te zijn dat je regelmatig updates ontvangt over wat er op deze website gebeurt, is je in te schrijven voor de gratis nieuwsbrief (Engelstalig), die eens in de twee weken in je mailbox zal verschijnen. Laat je inspireren, laat je geest en leven transformeren! Of, zoals Rananda zou zeggen, “More Light! Be happy!”

Namens Magnum Opus Ministries Nederland,

Thijs Hottenhuis

Rananda is an amazing teacher, who keeps reminding us about the Truth that sets us free from believing we are merely mortal creatures doomed to live in a world of pain and suffering. He keeps encouraging us to welcome our Awakening from this dream, and his powerful teachings are a great help in this endeavor. This is Rananda’s invitation to you:

Oh, how long, my brothers, will you journey without remembering? Does not the cold of the winter’s night grow bitter to your taste? Does not the heat of the summer’s sun draw you to the well within? There is a solution! It awaits you within the softness of your inner joining with the Stranger That you have been ignoring, yet Who has always loved you. I encourage you to embody Your Higher Self or whatever you want to call the You that knows Its Source….”

For some time now, we have a website dedicated to sharing Rananda’s teachings with the world: On this website, you will find a growing collection of videos, audio recordings, prayers, transcripts, and quotes from Rananda. They all have the purpose of reminding you Who You are. We really hope, and believe, that Rananda’s teachings will bring you the same transformation and happiness they have brought us!

We encourage you to visit to access these teachings. A good way of ensuring that you will receive regular updates on what is happening on this website, is to sign up for the free newsletter, which will then appear once every two weeks in your mailbox. Let yourself be inspired, let your mind and life be transformed! Or, as Rananda would say, “More Light! Be happy!”

On behalf of Magnum Opus Ministries Nederland,

Thijs Hottenhuis

Writer's pictureMOM Nederland

The power of love is an expression that people sometimes use, but the real experience is the most wonderful thing you could ever wish for. I was blessed with a miracle that showed up as a strong energy that instantly moved through me. It was not merely a strong feeling of love for another person, but an experience of being the love itself and becoming one with the so-called other person. I knew exactly what to do and say when all of this happened.

So, how did this miracle of love show up? And what did it look like in the story of the world? The days before the miracle I felt aggressive. I was looking and praying for another way. On the actual day of the miracle I found a way to be joyful and still prayed for a shift. I went to work and a consultation meeting for students was planned. Students were allowed to come and visit during this hour for a specific purpose.

A student entered the room who was showing a different kind of energy. He seemed uninterested in the purpose of the meeting and a little bit provocative. Although I talked to him, I couldn’t pinpoint what was going on with him. Internally I kept on asking for help in this situation. Despite my efforts, I noticed we were getting more and more into tension and some kind of battle. It turned out he had come for a consultation of another assignment which was not the purpose of the meeting.

I asked another colleague to sit with the students and asked this particular student to come to my office. We had a talk about the other assignment and his questions. I said I was sorry how we started off. He also felt sorry and I said that we could start over. I asked him how he was doing, and he told me that he received bad news earlier that day: a village in his home country in the middle-east had been destroyed.

Then from one moment to the other a strong energy started moving through me and there was so much love. I felt that I was only love and it felt as if he was part of me. It is difficult to describe, but it was as if I was his mother or as if it was “my” mother-love that filled him. He started crying and he said he never cries.

I talked to him about forgiveness and that he had to end the war within him. I said that he knew what revenge would lead to and that he had to choose for love. I knew exactly what to say. I said that I cared about him, but it felt that this was coming from a different and deeper place inside of me than usual.

He kept on crying and saying sorry about our start of the meeting. While the tears kept pouring, he stuck out his hand to shake mine as a peace offering and a sign of apology. I felt just as sorry as he was and could see the savior in him, because we both could release, in that moment, the battle and aggression that was inside of us. I was so incredibly grateful for our encounter. The uplifted state of love within me continued also after our meeting.

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